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Real-Time Spectroscopy. Tom Field, S&T. October 2, 2020 Meeting of Memphis Astronomical Society
SETI. September 11, 2020 Meeting of the Memphis Astronomical Society.
Welcome to The Memphis Astronomical Society!
Virtual Star Party. August 25, 2020. Burton's Sugar Farm. Memphis Astronomical Society
How to Capture Exciting Star Spectra with a Small Telescope – AstroFest 2020 – Tom Field
The Great Dimming of Betelgeuse. April 9, 2021 Meeting of the Memphis Astronomical Society
A new way to NETWORK
Park circus has arrived in the field of jamia millia islamia Delhi's student aisha renaaulaida farza
NJAG Meeting - Astronomy Adventures
181: Lucy, TESS, and the Dark Energy Mess
Healthcare in Politics Part 3 -Session 3: Open up/Shut down
Capturing the Owl Nebula and the Surfboard Galaxy